The Temple Of Pain is project group of Fabio, lead singer and guitarist of the doom metal band Thunderstorm from Italy. Not along time ago, their first demo cd (Lord of the undead) came to my hands and I admit that when I firstly listened to that, I was excited and I continue listening to that for 5-6 times more. This is how doom metal should sound like; slow, heavy, epic, sabbathic. It is a band much worth checking and a band that you can count on, and I hope that they also believe that this demo is not enough and that it is time for a full length album to start being prepared. For all the true supporters and fans of doom metal, I suggest you to find and listen to this demo. The sound is very good and very easy listening, even though it is a demo. Also, it is well known that the doom metal scene of Italy is among the best in the whole world and that’s one more reason to listen to The Temple of Pain. At last, we all know Thunderstorm, so we can all congratulate Fabio for thismasterpiece which gave us.
MitsDoom (Holy Sword/Children Of Doom)
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